Seed of Sacred Living

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Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon



Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon 

A winning combination in the garden

Please remember to click on the links to take you to other websites

Just writing this in Taurus waning moon.

We have just gone into Gemini Sun Sign and the New Moon will be arriving on Wednesday 

I have been creating new pages with the videos on that we have made ~ cringe ;-( 

Yes this is a very basic website and we are doing it on a very low budget

because we are on a low budget 😉 

It is great to look back on where we were last year…

and where we are now …

with the poly tunnel starting to take form inside

and become the womb space of lots of little seedlings

This blog currently doesn’t have a large capacity for media storage so I am currently posting pics on my Facebook page.

I will create a new page for this blog in a few days time when we get into the perfect Gemini Waxing Moon to do that.

I am learning to go with these creation cycles more and more.

Today I have been looking around the area we have planted and see that our furry friends ~ the rabbits ~ are checking out our planting arrangements to see if there is anything they can share in.

They have been digging up the potato beds and getting rather cheeky ~ they come right up to our gate now and they are huge ~ bigger than our cats.

So maybe we can set some cameras up to see what they get up to when we aren’t there and see just who we are sharing the space with ?

We have had a couple of casualties recently ;-( 

Forgot my Blue Peter training and didn’t create a bridge in the new pond aka The Bathtub in a former life.

Sadly a mouse left it’s earthly existence a few days ago in the pond ( have now created a bridge)

and today our cat Basil ~ who is becoming a skilled “hunter” caught a mouse today and had ended it’s life before I could rescue it.

Mouse animal totem

Luckily I was in time to rescue the Great Diving Beetle though from our water butt ~ need to put some mesh on the top 


Beetle animal totem

We have seen some rare visitors today ~ the Finches

Bird animal totem

The clay of the foundation is problematic at the moment as we are having very hot weather and then storms.

We are having to balance finishing off the outer structure and creating the inner one 

and finding time to sow new seeds at the appropriate moon time

and maintain what we already have

and of course live our life too 🙂

Like everyone else I guess

There are lots of things to learn


Scorpio brings water and all around the perimeter we have water 

It is seeping in and when it stays for a few days it can easily go stagnant and create a place that attracts mosquitos

This can also reveal emotions that are seeking moving along in the cycle 

We have added water to soften the clay when it is hot, so we can add a layer of sand around the plastic.

When the heat bakes the sand it makes for a razor sharp edge that cuts when the wind blows the plastic.

The sand softens the boundaries

When it is dry we can firm up the channels and add some drainage materials

and we are now working our way around the edges building raised beds that will also insulate 

Lots of potatoes going in 🙂

This is a perfect time ~ Taurus Waning Moon ~ to be putting in Yin based root veggies as the energy is going down into the earth taking the roots with it

We have lots of different varieties in different parts of the garden

What’s growing ?


Having accumulated lots of seeds from last years garden harvest and seed swaps,

friends and garden centres both locally and online

we had lots of choice and are still planting away

Beans are big ~ lots of varieties because I have rediscovered beans 🙂

Pick and quickly boil to remove the skin and wow 

Gigantes beans from Greece


This pic is from The Real Seed Company where I bought them

Peas, Fruit trees ~ Apple, Damson, Fig, Mango from a stone , Vine ~ rampaging away in the 30 degree heat, Olives

Goji berries,

Tomatoes , Courgettes, Aubergines, Beetroot, Spinach, salad leaves, Kale, Gerkins

Lots of flowers and herbs too ~ Angelica, Anise, Coriander, Calendula, Nasturtiums 

Squash ~ especially for our cat Arnold who eats this every day now mixed with Slippery Elm Bark to assist his digestion

and colon 🙂

I have made a note of when we planted the seeds ~ which Moon and what Wavespell to be aware of the energy that is creating with the seed

As we are in the last day of the flowering castle ~ Yellow Cosmic Star ~ Lamat which is also known as a rabbit ~ we can see the shift 

It takes time to establish new ways of living and sometimes it seems that nothing much is happening

and then suddenly everything starts to do it’s own thing and 

Eden is evident

All of these seeds started for me as a very small child

and as an adult in Greece with my lovely tomato picking gloves in 1986 🙂



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Spring has sprung



Snowdrops? Moly ?


Yellow Galactic Seed Day


Virgo Waxing Moon

Please click on the links to expand info by travelling to other websites and resources

This is the day of the current 13 year cycle 

we are on Year 8 of a 13 year cycle

in the Mayan Wavespell Cycle

I am learning a lot about this at the moment and it is having a big

impact on my understanding on working with the cycles

for plant care


First Camelia flower from rescued supermarket bargain

I am researching the flowers and the links lead to more info about general info as well as mystical

and healing properties

We are always drawn to flowers that have special significance for us


In the Mayan calendar

we are now in the flowering cycle known as

The Yellow Castle

There are four spirals of thirteen days

within each castle

This first spiral is called Red Earth

If you would like to know more about this and

how it affects you please read my other blog

So if you are feeling creative

looking to connect with your garden

now is the perfect time to do it 🙂




I have had an allotment for a long time in West Yorks in the UK

It had previously been lost and a neighbour of mine told me about it.

It was overgrown and full of old rubbish 

mouldy settees

car parts

and yet underneath was a secret garden.

This was back in 2004. I contacted the mill owners and drew out the plan of the land 

It took me about a year to clear the rubbish

I planted a Hawthorn Hedge and set about uncovering the lost borders

This was quite a challenge as it is a very big site

It is a special place and most people don’t even know it is there 🙂

These pics are from 2013

I have shared it with people over the years and now have a family of keen people

who are getting stuck in 

as once again it is overgrown

The Scouts are helping too

and I am so grateful that the Wheeler family

are wanting to take it into a whole new community project.

I will be sharing their adventures in my blog

via their blog

and hoping we can swap ideas and plants

in true allotment style

I am also connecting to other people around the globe doing exciting 

earth projects and so am intending to share their news too


We will be re~starting our poly tunnel next week so will be posting about our progress.

I have lots of seeds from last year and going to the seed swaps this year in my community 🙂

Finding lots of lovely local place to discover new treasures 🙂

Wishing you a lovely week of re~ connection to the land



and living the dream

Here is a video made on the allotment just before I moved to Glastonbury

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Poly Tunnel Begins

We have been busy bees and blessed by the weather 🙂 

The poly tunnel we eventually bought from an ebay auction was bigger than the original clearing and so has moved further out ~ learned a lot about our process during this journey. It has been a real test of our maths skills and in Mercury Retrograde this isn’t the easiest of times to use masculine thought process 🙂

This is the wonder of creativity projects and the foundation of our life journey. We get to see what is resistant in us and our circle of people by how we work together as a team ~ or not. Wherever there is resistance there is an opportunity for new learning.

We started this project at the heart of the Blue Monkey Wavespell and this is the centre of the Mayan Calendar. It is also Mercury Retrograde time and an opportunity to really connect to what our inner child is seeking to gift us so we can open our hearts and be free of the past ~ and…..

It isn’t what we think it is 🙂 

Over the past two weeks I have been tapping every day ( Emotional Freedom Technique) with my partner ,on what is coming up for us around past relationship events. We have worked together most of our 24 years in relationship and so have lots of times when we have locked horns. During our property business I often spent time on the allotment digging my frustration out ~ generally because I didn’t have the masculine energy to back up the courage of my convictions and so I avoided speaking my truth.

This is a key issue for me ~ being in my power. I will not become the behaviour I abhor and bully people into my way of seeing the world. My ego likes to turn up the volume on my inner critic about this and match the ego society beliefs that ~ at the moment ~ are the bigger picture collective view around “success” and what it means to be a “winner” in our society. I do not tick any boxes for this as in many ways my life can be seen as a financial “failure” . This has brought me huge learning and transformation for my soul journey and taking the heart path rather than only the head. I have come to recognise a different truth about myself and the world because of it.

As our world changes and the sacred feminine is becoming more apparent, I find myself assisting others in moving away from the corporate nonsensical world and removing their own veil so they can see how the world truly is and the game of life we are playing ~ we are never out of step on our path and it is all good ~ even though it sometimes feels bad and “wrong” as we go in the opposite direction of what we are educated to believe is “the way”.

We are going back to certain ways in order to move forward and evolve and in the process bring the balance back to ourselves and our world.

So far we have spent a couple of days full on in the scorchio sunshine. We have put up the bare bones and at the moment we are digging out trenches. This will also go on video and apologies for the sound ~ we will aim to improve it . The Somerset soil is clay and we have committed to digging a small stretch each day so as to keep our bodies in a well being state . Here is the link to the videos ~ five so far and this will grow.

We used google for some great resources for watching other people putting up tunnels and how to do the maths to create a square, in alignment tunnel.

There is the 3, 4 ,5 rule and a link here for that. There is a wonderful channel for all things polytunnel here.

Funnily enough when I did my Sagittarius workshop we had a fire away from what we thought was “the site” and now where we chose is going to be the site of our wood burner 🙂

We are going to use this as a rocket stove to keep an ambient temperature all year round . On the outside we are creating some raised beds to insulate the lower levels and provide a nurturing band of  yin root veggies that are happy living outside with lower temperatures.

We already have some visitors weighing up this new structure in their playground ~ the rabbits. They are reasonably tame and sit watching us looking at them over the fence.

This is the first “new build” we have ever done and I feel this is very significant at the Rabbit Animal Totem reveals.

In the past we have renovated and restored and transformed dilapidated spaces. Now it is time for something new and for that we require new skills, beliefs and so new ways of being through new learning.

Our garden has really plumped up this year on it’s new bones of last year. Last year there were a couple of plants and we started changing the shape of the lawn into a circle. 

It is really easy to create a garden ~ it is the default setting of our planet and all we have to do is be the hands for nature if we choose to create something in a human way ~ with consciousness and a dream. Each plant’s nature is to be abundant and if we take the time to learn how each unique seed loves to be and thrives we become masters of co creation. As we do this in our garden we create a change on the inside too. It is simply part of the process.

Today is Gemini moon in the UK. It is the waning time and so the time for receiving what we have put out in the first half of the moon cycle. The Yin coming back in 🙂

Last two days of the Blue Monkey Wavespell and then we go into supercharge Yellow Seed Wavespell with……ten galactic portals.

I will be blogging about this on my blog.

If you wish to receive regular news from these blogs effortlessly then all you need do is subscribe and give your email details.

Hope you are having fun in the summer sun and allowing yourself to receive.

Here are some photos of the garden on my Facebook page

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Virgo Moon ~ masterplan

It is a scorchio day in Somerset. I am aching a little today and my arm is covered in raised welts but amazingly it isn’t stinging. Yesterday I applied some lavender gel and within minutes the stinging and irritation had gone. It is the first time I have used this product and am very impressed.

For clarity ~ anything I recommend on my blogs is purely from my experience and heartfelt, I do not get any incentives or monetary gain 🙂 If I feel something works for me I love to share it with the intention to share inspiring news and connections.

I use Essential Oils Direct in Oldham for my essential oil supplies and they have been in my cosmic cookie trail before I even knew what essential oils were.

In the 9o’s we used to have a courier company and my partner used to deliver for this company. One Christmas he bought me a box of essential oils and opened up a whole new world. This was several years before I trained in reflexology and aromatherapy ~ it planted a seed in my heart . When we look back it is magical to see how we have found our way to the exact places we were meant to on our illuminated journey.

Today’s energy is very much of that flavour ~ Blue Self~existing Eagle in the Mayan calendar , Taurus sun and as I am writing this Leo moon going into Virgo in the UK around 1030 am ish ~ if you use this lunarium it gives you that info 🙂

It is a potent energy today to connect to the bigger picture. Imagine an eagle soaring high in the sky seeing the landscape spread below. Imagine what you are setting in motion today and how those energy ripples will touch the thread of all things in our universe and illuminate .

What we do in life echoes in eternity ~ gladiator 🙂 One of my favourite films for heart path and a man of honour who kept his integrity no matter what life brought to him.

Yesterday I started to clear our patch of ground where our next project begins. It is covered in builder’s rubble and overgrown with plants. It was like an archaeological dig with bits of broken tile , pallets, insulation and lots of self seeded plants covering them up and creating their own green carpet. It took a lot of time to separate into piles so that some of the materials may be used. I replanted some of the plants I discovered such as geraniums, teasles and forget me nots.

Some pics here

As I sat down to rest, I watched the recently returned Swallows darting to and fro and remembered times past before they left ~ what a blessing Spring time is. Higher above them was a trio of Crows making cries like a newborn as two chased one with malicious intent. Higher still Buzzards circling. I guess it is mating time. Birds are great totems to be guided by

One of the things I have learned from my journey is implicit in Virgo energy. The patterns we live and how we repeat them. Since becoming more conscious of my path I have realised that at midlife particularly, we have a choice ~ to carry on doing our pattern from ego ~ attached to our outcome and feathering our nest to create an external validation model. Another option is the soul structure of service ~ without sacrifice ~ I do not believe we are here to be a martyr or suffer ~ that is of course an option 🙂

I understood for many moons, on an intellectual level, what it means to set a goal and detach from the outcome ~ however for many years I was still very attached to my old life and doing what I knew because that gave me a certain result that I wanted…….and there are still parts of me that are 🙂 When it is the perfect time and we are ready to take the next step everything falls into place ~ when the web is ready it all happens ~ all that is required is the intention to go for it 🙂

Since my first visit to Glastonbury in 2010 I have become more aware of following the heart path…..and often that doesn’t make sense. To follow it means using a different guideline of trust and hearing the sacred feminine ~ which is the essence of Virgo ~  a way of being untouched by man’s ego mind ~ to do what we love and what feels good ~ without an agenda, without a hidden secret plan, simply because it opens our heart and…..

in the doing of it ~ we walk our true essence

in the being of it ~ we create a new energy blueprint

in the sharing of it ~ others feel the passion, feel the light, feel the love

and allow themselves to have the courage to do the same.

In this amazing time of transition ~ that we chose to be a part of ~ it is time to 

live from our hearts and be brave to leave behind the old ways, to forge new ones.

To be our sacred selves.

Today I am off to the Sagittarius part of the Glastonbury Zodiac to take part in a Sacred Bee Ceremony. At some point we are hoping to keep bees and I find this quite daunting ~ and naturally that feeling of the challenge means……

We absolutely have to go for it 🙂

I am hosting a workshop in my garden next weekend for Sagittarius Full moon.

It will be key for my structure of my vision of a dream I had back in 2000 ~ it may end up here, it may not ~ it doesn’t really matter.

More info about the heavenly vibes coming up this week:

The essential process is that I am taking this journey and creating as I go and allowing myself to trust that I am loved and held by my mother goddess energy ~ it is time for the sacred feminine to return. I am a part of the universe ~ everyone is and when we allow ourselves to remember that ~ is when magic really happens.

Love to all your structures today. Be brave and go for your heart’s desire. It doesn’t need to be a grand plan ~ whatever you are choosing that lights up your world ~ rest assured ~ it was meant to be ~ so that in the sharing of your wondrous self ~ the whole world remembers it’s true essence of love.

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Aries waning moon



Aries waning moon time ~ new beginnings at waxing moon time through what we let go of today.

In the gardening by the moon Aries waning moon is all about removing of anything in your garden that is getting in the way of your abundance programme and gardening maintenance. Could be what you perceive as a weed , something that has more dead branches than new growth, a looming dark behemoth that is over shadowing lots of struggling plants that have no light in it’s wake.

What we allow ourselves to receive and regenerate now is a catalyst for new growth when the water starts to rise with the New Moon in Taurus on the 10th in the UK.

At this last quarter of the moon we are coming into dark moon time ~ seeing the future is a possibility if we allow our psychic connection and yesterday was a good day for that in the Mayan calendar ~ New Moon coming on Friday.

It’s in Taurus and it’s a major astrological event too with the moon in Taurus ~ so both masculine and feminine in Taurus ~ a fecund time of connecting to our sacred feminine and seeing how what we are shaping and planting now is really going to blossom when the Yellow Galactic Seed Year starts on July 26th.

Today we are in yellow rhythmic seed of the blue storm wavespell

This is a number eight year of integration ~ as above so below ~ inside and outside.

We have finally got the go ahead to expand our growing space and so plenty of Aries waning moon opportunity ~ we have to clear the site of building rubble to create a space for our polytunnel .  Lots of getting fitter opportunity 🙂 Lots of walking meditation and if this wonderful weather continues it will be a pleasure to be out in the sun. Last year too much rain really stunted our harvest so we are creating our own mini Eden project ~ never had a polytunnel before so lots of new learning and expanding the space means we have deer and rabbits to share with ~ maybe planting a garden for them so they don’t eat ours 🙂

More pics here

I have struggled over the past few days with family at bank holiday to break the old pattern of food and am really feeling that.

Eating food to fill me up and emotional eating ~ old family ways of relating through food and noticing how that is so familiar and comforting ~ I have been cleaning out and clearing space to take the next step with our garden and feeling starving.

I am remembering times in the past when I have let go of old ways of relating and how my addictions have connected me to that…..with the intention of working with that part of me that loves to belong and share space and activity ~ many of which aren’t good for my body or soul.

As a mother, therapist, gardener and property renovator I see how cycles are an intrinsic part of our universe and I see how my cycles and learning have evolved at the perfect time in synch with the seasons and the planets.

Now I am learning to work with more conscious awareness and move myself forward into more heart centre ways of being that I believe I am here for.

I love sharing this journey of transformation and I am accepting that this is my destiny ~ to accept the gifts of the struggle and help others do that too when they are ready 🙂

Part of me felt fed up that everything is a restoration project ~ wouldn’t it be nice to buy something already good to go ? For some people that is their position and it often comes through having money ~ money that is often earned through a pattern of another party paying more than is fair. When we buy a ready made something….where is our co creativity ?

Beliefs around our age and what we “should” be doing and being at this time……we can simply accept them for what they are……beliefs 🙂 Creating new ones now as the next step of a new cycle is possible from love…..when we let go of the perceived wound 🙂

When we cannot simply buy off the shelf because of lack of funds……we can use our imagination. We can see how we can recycle and add in a part of our inspiration to create anew. I offer that this is the direction we are all heading ……downsizing…..our planet resources are not here to be consumed in an ever expanding ego way and now it is time for something new.

To create from the heart….. and often that doesn’t make sense……it is simply the universe , that we are an intrinsic part of…..taking us somewhere we only dreamed of…..connecting to us to others to assist their co creativity …… a way we have no knowing of…….

We’re on the road to nowhere ~ and everywhere ~ what seeds are we planting now in our hearts that are the forests of fecundity for future spaces ?

Love to you and your circles of love ~ everything we need emotionally is within ~ everything in nature has a circular energy ~ including us ❤


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Capricorn Moon ~ super energised day



It is getting warmer at last and each day the plants are fluffing out into bigger areas and I always forget that ~ I have a tendency to cram in as many little beauties as possible ….and then have to transplant them, which is a pattern of mine 🙂

Yesterday it was also Capricorn moon and I spent a lot of time on moving things around to accommodate new plans ~ one of which was incorporating the muck the we collected last week which is still rotting down. The Robin was close by watching this process ~ always reminds me of my Grandad who I spent my first gardening time and discovery with ~ a fellow Leo .

Today we are hoping to take our next step on enlarging our growing space with confirmation from the person that owns it.

It is a serendipitous day ~ Red Crystal Earth in the Mayan calendar ~ it is also energetically a very powerful galactic portal day ~ time to crystallise all that we have learned in the past eleven days. It is a wonderful time to connect with all in the cosmos ~ to let go of any linear limitation and to unearth our often hidden strength ~ our heart wisdom .

What can happen when we let go of our mind leading the way and be stuck in a groove ~ and be open to new ideas?

I am learning lots of new things now and one major shift in my gardening is using the moon to enhance my alignment with planting with the cycles ~ instead of merely planting with the sun and my whim ~ a great metaphor in itself ~ letting go of being masculine head drive and bringing myself into balance.

I am tuning in to cosmic guidance ~ my intuition and following the cosmic cookie trail.

We have only lived in this place for one season and there was an empty canvas to work with. I have brought some plants from the north that seem to be settling in ~ much warmer and drier start for them this year and they are loving that .

I have created a space outside for my many bean plants ~ they were covering every available light space indoors until frost recedes ~ now I have a few outside in my mini greenhouses ~ it is still a tad risky though 🙂 I am feeling there may be a Jack and the beanstalk adventure 🙂

I am also planting peas ~ beans haven’t been high on the menu in the past ~ remnants of bean experiences at school that I didn’t relish as a child, put me off them except for the tinned variety. I am now exploring lots of options with new recipes and new knowledge about how to use them and what they offer.

I am creating a structure and using the three sisters routine ~ instantly reminds me of  the White Christmas routine with Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby ~ always a family ritual for me as a child watching the film with my Mum and Nan …… how we link up to our childhood structures in everything we create .

Today’s pic isn’t my structure ~ I haven’t got the space for this at the moment but it really inspired me as a future possibility and I loved discovering lots of ideas in writing this blog today ~ takes me on a journey of discovery  ~ loved the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for this ~ living structures we can get inside ~ reminds me of den building as a child too.

Love the Lost gardens of Heligan ~ planning to visit later in the year and found this one in the USA ~ love this.

Creating dens out in the woods , in your bedroom, in the garden with anything and everything like a magpie collecting treasure. I used to use my Nan’s big wooden clothes maiden which I still had until very recently.

As a child I used to cover it in old blankets that were from the Navy and the second world war.

I often took things from the house ~ much to my Nan’s chagrin. She didn’t like the worms I put in her pinnie pocket either 🙂

I loved getting the tent out ~ each year that was a ritual  for me ~ confirmation that summer had arrived. It smelt musty like the wooden garage ~ a man made artifice amongst the smell of freshly mowed grass and strong smelling flowers. It was strongly connected to feel good times and so an instant anchor to them. The nose is such a potent time travel portal.

So this year I am going to create a three sister’s structure ~ again a very Mayan linkage. This involves corn, beans and squash creating a structure together.

Corn for solar plexus ~ yellow, squash for sacral chakra ~ orange and beans for heart  chakra ~ heart.

Capricorn moon

Very apt for creating structure and with the principle of what we are doing…..

we are being……..

we are having…….

We are creating our universe through our structure in action.

Capricorn is about skeleton, bones and skin ~ how we stand in the world and how we receive it through our biggest organ ~ the skin. The skin is our fence and our boundary between ourselves and the world we live in. The spine is what supports this structure and our staff of life, tree of life, our magician’s wand.

Capricorn is the hardy goat that strides ahead Julie Andrew’s style ~ climb every mountain ~ to see what is at the top.

It is also a sign that is very practical and focuses on this ~ often avoiding feelings in the process and this is the major challenge of the Capricorn as it is the disciple and the spiritual seeker.

Vegetables that are associated with Capricorn ~ 

Root crops are best planted in a waning moon ~ now 🙂 As the moon pull is receding this allows the process of putting down good roots, grounding, going within energy

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, radish,parsnip

Capricorn Waning moon for holistic rejuvenation

It is a great time for a detox and letting go at this time. Going within, rest and recuperation ~ not the time for mountain climbing and putting pressure on our skeleton  . We are in the third quarter of the moon so time to integrate all that started in the first quarter with the new moon and the build up in the big Scorpio full moon and eclipse that we have just gone through. Time to let it go and be released.

This moon is earthy and dry and likes structure ~ if that is your moon that reflects your feminine side and mother archetypes. If it is your sun sign this can reveal the shadow side.

A sprinkling of good old Will today ~  

an ode from Will Shakespeare


Our bodies are our gardens, to the which

our wills are gardeners; so that if we will

plant nettles or sow lettuce, set hyssop

and weed up thyme, supply it with one gender

of herbs or distract it with many~

either to have it sterile with idleness

or manured with industry ~

why, the power and corrigible authority

of this lies in our wills


I do my my walking meditation in my gardening and my exercise in this earthly gym …….and sometimes I sit and I breathe in the heady aroma of my beautiful , bountiful fragrant friends.

What more do we need than to sow and to weed ?

Love to you and your structures today. May they build lovely arbours of light and shade.



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Where there’s muck…….


It was a Virgo moon yesterday. The perfect day for being earthy and collecting some wonderful manure that will feed our lovely plants. Today in Libra moon it’s the perfect time for planting above ground plants ~ careful if all frost has gone which it hasn’t here yet 🙂 It is a beautiful blue sky day ~ yea 🙂

Our manure came from an animal sanctuary nearby that rescues all sorts of animals . The manure we have collected comes from pigs and sheep who came to have a close inspection of us as we were removing their excess products 🙂

The picture I have posted today isn’t of  one of the actual donating pigs ~ a similar breed. Hope to get some pics in future to put on the blog when I have had a chat to the owner of the sanctuary about how they feel about publicity ~ yesterday it was raining and I had manure on my hands so I deferred  from getting my phone out for a photo shoot and concentrated on the job at hand whilst encountering nosy sheep inspecting our bags :-)…….

The manure we have collected comes from animals that are free from any chemical additives ~ they do not take antibiotics and some of them are there because they weren’t big enough for food production ~ hence being rescued. The ground that they live on isn’t treated with pesticides either and that is very important. I was recently labelled a purist by someone who lives locally who was looking for people to grow food on her land. She wanted to use round up on couch grass saying it only acts in isolation and when asked my opinion I said I didn’t want to use any poisons in any way on any land period. Needless to say we didn’t go ahead with a joint project. It is something I feel strongly about and having grown veg and plants for several years on an allotment I choose to find a natural way to learn about what is out of balance on the land I am cultivating ~ because that is always reflecting something in me. I am not separate from anything in my life and neither is anyone or anything else …..everything is connected.

It is really important to think the whole thing through about everything that goes into the growing recipe and we can ask questions to do this and learn as part of the process ~ I forgot to ask initially about this. I noticed how in the last month of Aries I felt really impatient to get things going and have to be focused and disciplined with working at the aligned time if I want to get the outcome of optimising this system. My ego child wants to do it ~ now ~ 🙂

When I asked the question about what the animals are given I learned something new ~ they have a natural product to assist with worms ~ which is called  VermX ~ not heard of that before. Just want to add that I have no connection with any of the websites I post in terms of any financial benefit of posting them. My intention is simply to share my journey with my readers so please take your own journey if you decide to follow any of these paths and ensure it is the well-being way for you as it may not be 🙂

It is tricky with the UK weather to work with this system of moon cycles as the weather can be so changeable and if we get a sunny day I want to go out and plant regardless 🙂 I know though that working with these rhythms is so worth it for the most important plant in my life ~ me 🙂 This way of being is changing me and without me this creativity ceases to be. This is something everyone can value ~ putting ourselves first and being the change we want to see.

Everything in the nature of recycling is the key to our evolution now. How often do we simply use a linear process and overlook the benefits of everything that we create?

A dung heap gives off tremendous energy that can be tapped into as an organic generator to power equipment for example ~ it can heat unused beds ready for the next stage, it can be piled next to a greenhouse or poly tunnel to create natural warmth. Insects love it.

Our manure can be used in the same way and many people use composting toilets without harvesting their full potential ~ they are mini generators and do not have to be passive. Reed beds are fab ~ and take quite a long time to filter sewage which has to be very in balance proportionally with what goes in and amount of reeds and area to cope with it.

A great website I just found  and another one about manure

If you think of these huge sewage plants that add water and chemicals and stir things around…….

Each home could have it’s own mini generator recycling excess product and it being a true circle of recycling everything instead of one way traffic ……

Our manure isn’t quite ready for use yet as it isn’t simply earth so needs to break down more otherwise the chemical reactions that happen in the breaking down process can damage the plants and burn them.

Here is a great forum for this


It’s interesting to see how much excess product we have created too as a way of seeing how efficient the food we are eating is.

I noticed this with my cats as a few years ago I learned about factory produced food and started feeding my cats chicken and fish with olive oil and sunflower seeds instead. I was really shocked at what I learned about some commercial food and saw the affects on my maturing cats.

We don’t do vaccinations in any of our family including my animal ones and this came about over lots of experiential learning which actually started when I got one of my cats from a professor in immunology who I used to pet sit for ~ synchronistically at the perfect time when I had young children and had a vaccination experience with my first born. The perfect person to ask showed up in my life. She didn’t vaccinate herself and often went into the Amazon to do research which I thought was an interesting contrast. She didn’t have children but said if she did she wouldn’t vaccinate ~ I also found a book “What doctor’s don’t tell you” when I was petsitting for a family for a couple of weeks. This really opened my eyes and made sense of so many things ~ remembering my heart wisdom.

How many of us have a corporate role that we choose not to bring home and is simply a front we wear ~ just like a phone app?

My business at that time was based around sanctuaries and rescued animals and people who recognised that many “diseases” found in kennels such as cat flu and kennel cough were actually a result of stress that their pets experienced being away from their home and family.

When my cats ate factory food they produced lots of waste product that was really revolting

On ordinary food they have very little waste product at all and the smell is vastly reduced.

What a fascinating subject isn’t it and hence the title of the blog ~ a northern saying ~

Where there’s muck there’s brass ~ totally true. Meaning on a literal level where there is muck there is the potential to make money ~ brass. The alchemy process turning lead into gold.

In the earth we live and grow in and in our shadow selves too. Dung beetles travelling over the milky way in ancient symbolic wisdom.

Everything we need to live a vibrant loving life. The circle of life.

Lots to discover and create new exciting ways of being with.


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Cancer Moon Day

The most wonderfully fecund time of the gardening calendar.

Time to plant those seeds both in the garden and in our wider world.
How are we inspiring ourselves and shining brightly ?
How are we sowing the seeds of love in our own personal garden…..and in the process
creating more nurturing feminine energy in our world ?Anything invested in the undeveloped ego has an outcome that is the opposite of true love and harmony
as it is a pattern ~ a seed ~ of feathering an ego’s own nest
to create proof of it’s worthiness outside of itself 🙂

That isn’t good or bad ~ it is all part of the process and the journey of learning

At this Aries sun time we can see how we are sending shoots out for new growth for all of humanity……

We are all part of our collective rainforest of creativity.

Today in the Mayan Wavespell calendar it is Yellow Crystal Seed day

This is day 12 of the Red Skywalker Wavespell which is all about ~
bringing heaven to earth through the conduit of us.

What each one of us creates matters.

We are all flowers in a sea of magical, living, conscious creation.

We can spend our fleeting form time here in the manner of our choice ~

We can be an uplifter *

We can be a harmonisor *

We can be a community creator *

We can live our learning and share it *

and these seed vibes have lots of light language and a high vibe…..

at times to sustain this vibe and take it higher……

We create new patterns and change

The sign of the crab is a paradox.

It has a hard shell with a soft underbelly
Likes to stay home
Loves family and familiar

In terms of the zodiac it is said to be the child like soul

often very dependent on outside influences to control the emotions

Here is a great blog about North Node Cancer ~ soul purpose

Everything that has ever happened has brought us to where we are today……

What we take from that learning is key for our future creativity ♥

Gardening Update:

Yesterday I was emptying out my shed and looking at my seed trays
Pondering on what worked and didn’t work last year……
Getting my mini greenhouses ready ~ rather windy today and one has fallen over so I need to bear this in mind with the polytunnel and geodesic dome.

Here is another inspiring video I found about using resources in different ways ~ 
we could excavate a hole in the ground to expand the space and create a thermal bank of water to provide a humid all year round climate.
Here’s a great site I found for gardening by the moon with some more information and background about how people have learned about the moon and it’s energetic effects in the past.

Food today

I have a sugar addiction and am weaning myself off it substituting sugar with honey and fruit ~ work in progress 🙂 Not had an orange kit kat in several days ~ still feel the pull 🙂
Experimenting with lots of different beans and combinations.
My favourite sweet tooth treat today was fresh ripe pineapple ~ it is important that the fruit is ripe for maximum energetic delivery 🙂 Otherwise our body uses energy to process it. I dry roasted some pistachios and ground them up and sprinkled them on top ~ gorgeous yellow fruit. Perfect for my solar ~ plexus area which will be affected ~ the pancreas ~ if I keep loading highly processed sugars in it’s general direction. Pancreas say no 🙂
An enlightening series of videos:

Colloidal silver update:

Been on it now for a week on a high dosage and for the first few days I was backing that up with bicarb of soda to balance my ph. Without too much micro detail ~ leave it for your imagination ~ bicarb of soda gives explosive results…..mmmmm… though.

Been having a healing crisis and still experiencing aching and inflammatory feelings in my sacral and base chakra areas ~ noticing what foods are exacerbating this too. A hottie water bottle works wonders as well as using dead sea salt laced with benzoin and marjoram and some splashes of lavender and geranium oils.

I am feeling very different ~ hard to explain ~ better though and am decreasing my dosage to a low level over the next few days as a supplementary immunity ~ bit like an external hard drive for my mac 🙂

Here is a great source I found about this:

Colloidal Silver

We went on a family trip to the Eden Project last weekend~ you can see the pics here on my Facebook account. That brightened us all up ~ being surrounded by living plants. In winter we don’t have this green resource and sun resource ( not often in summer lately either 🙂 ) and so our ability to raise our vibe in our environment becomes diminished ~ even more important to detox now and holistically cleanse all our receptors so we can uplift our vitality on all levels.

What inspiring projects do you have?

Love to you and your seeds today.

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Taurus Moon Day


It’s a Taurus Moon today and this is my moon.

I am learning to garden with the moon and by doing so get in synch with the natural ebb and flow of our universe.

Today I have been inspired to cook soups and I like to cook them in the oven using metal containers as this gives an alchemical flavour to the process.

All cooking is a form of alchemy as we take raw ingredients and transform them into something else using a process . If you roast vegetables in oil without much liquid the flavour is very different to cooking them on top of the oven and in water.


I love Indian cooking and have used Madhur Jaffrey’s recipes for years. When I worked in pubs I learned lots of techniques and recipes and collected local ones whenever possible. One of the key things then, was cooking in advance and in bulk ,which I found pretty joyless after a while 🙂 I also used microwaves to match the fast food ethos of that time but I haven’t had one of those for years. When we lived in Cumbria we made most of our food fresh for each day and asked our customers to be patient as quality tasty food takes time and patience and… takes as long as it takes. I love to take my learning from the past and let go of what no longer serves me ~ I love to have variety and quality rather than quick quantity 🙂 I believe the sacred in our lives is the common daily process and the more joy we bring to them , the more we experience heart living.

Cooking with Indian herbs and spices really enhances the flavours and brings out the wonder of vegetables……involves many processes and requires many pots so an assistant washer upper is an advantage. It is worth the extra cleaning. Using herbs for health is a very natural way of being in everyday life in India and is also incorporated into the Ayurvedic principles of health.

As we all seem to have so much to fit into a day now , as the food is cooking away in the oven , we can be getting on with other things ~ such as growing the food that will be future soup. Home made food that is created with love is one of the key steps to nurturing our bodies. It forms the substance of healthy living.

So many of these herbs are great for reducing anything inflammatory in the system . The more we tune in to hearing what our body needs and the healthier we become.

Today I felt inspired to create :

Mushroom and garlic soup with thyme and a splash of white wine 

Put all ingredients in a metal pan with a lid according to how much you wish to make ~ I used a small punnet of white mushrooms and four large cloves of garlic , coarse sea salt, black pepper and a splash of wine, a smattering of olive oil and a sprinkling of dried thyme. Cook on low heat for about half an hour until mushrooms are cooked through, cool, blend with blender then add a veg stock or milk and a dollup of cream or if you don’t want dairy use a non dairy  ingredient such as soya or  coconut milk.


Squash, sweet potato and red pepper soup

Roast slices of the vegetables in olive oil according to the amount you wish to create in a metal container with lid.

Add some garlic cloves, a smattering of cumin seeds, cumin powder and turmeric with a couple of bay leaves and coarse salt and black pepper.

Cook on low for about an hour and stir vegetables to ensure they don’t dry out.

When soft, allow to cool and remove the skin if need be ( sometimes it doesn’t blend well ).

Blend and add some vegetable stock to the consistency you require.

This bubbles like a mud geyser so be careful ~ totally warms from the inside out and if you require more lava effect add some chilli 🙂

Great when you need warming after an afternoon on the  allotment.


New Potato and leek mash up

Chop some potatoes and leeks and put in a metal container and lid. Add some oil and butter or substitute if non dairy.

Lots of coarse salt and pepper. Cook slowly stirring regularly on a low oven heat.

When soft add some veg stock ~ if you wish for a creamier version add milk or cream or non dairy alternative.


Simple soul food.

Miracle herbs and Spices

Turmeric and Cumin

A lot can be gleaned simply by looking at the colour and shape of any plant.

Orange ~ Sacral chakra

Round ~ feminine yin

Cylindrical ~ more towards yang energy and masculine

Grown below ground ~ feminine yin

Above ground ~  more  masculine yang

turmeric, root and powder

Great gardening activities in Taurus Waxing Moon time:

Waxing moon is when the moon is increasing which starts around new moon time. We have just had new moon in Aries and today we are in Taurus.

To find out what moon sign it is you can use this great website:


When the moon is waxing it is energising and this is very different to waning energy which is generally a relaxing and letting go time.

If you think of this in terms of a breath cycle:

When the moon is waxing we are breathing in and our lungs are expanding.

When the moon is waning we are breathing out ~ exhaling and releasing.

This is an amazing exciting area I am feeling very enthused with at the moment and I will be sharing my learning on this and how we can use this knowledge in a practical way to co create with our universe.

It is a good time to plant annuals today generally speaking ~ however there may still be risk of a frost so I’m holding back on that in the garden.

Taurus is an earth feminine sign and therefore yin plants that grow under ground ( Root veggies) are associated with Taurus:

Sweet Potatoes





These are best planted at a waning moon time so not today 🙂 We are in waxing for approximately 14 days and so in approximately a couple of weeks we are going into this time period.

Harvesting, canning and pickling are good today

I am getting ready to plant some seeds as I am hoping to get my first polytunnel soon ~ next tuesday is a very auspicious day for this as the moon is in Cancer.

I am visiting the Eden project in Cornwall soon so hopefully pick up some inspiration from there too.

Taurus Moon for our health.

The Taurus Moon time governs our jaws and neck.

The throat chakra. In particular the thyroid gland which is the shape of a butterfly at the front of our throat.

This governs our energy levels.

In my other blog ~ flow with jo ~ I have spoken about issues with my teeth and decided to trial colloidal silver .

I ordered it yesterday and serendipitously it has arrived today at the perfect time for using it in Taurus Moon

I took my first dose today. Will keep you posted.

Anything that is to be ingested and taken in is a energetically aligned today ~ however if I was having an extraction of a tooth I would be better to wait to a waning time as there would be less blood loss ~ all fluids rise with the waxing moon until they peak at full moon , this is also true of emotions.

Here is an interesting article about how the sun and moon affect our inner cycles and the production of colloidal silver

Taurus is associated with Isis energy and Silver ~  lots of serendipitous synchronicities.