Seed of Sacred Living

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Spring has sprung



Snowdrops? Moly ?


Yellow Galactic Seed Day


Virgo Waxing Moon

Please click on the links to expand info by travelling to other websites and resources

This is the day of the current 13 year cycle 

we are on Year 8 of a 13 year cycle

in the Mayan Wavespell Cycle

I am learning a lot about this at the moment and it is having a big

impact on my understanding on working with the cycles

for plant care


First Camelia flower from rescued supermarket bargain

I am researching the flowers and the links lead to more info about general info as well as mystical

and healing properties

We are always drawn to flowers that have special significance for us


In the Mayan calendar

we are now in the flowering cycle known as

The Yellow Castle

There are four spirals of thirteen days

within each castle

This first spiral is called Red Earth

If you would like to know more about this and

how it affects you please read my other blog

So if you are feeling creative

looking to connect with your garden

now is the perfect time to do it 🙂




I have had an allotment for a long time in West Yorks in the UK

It had previously been lost and a neighbour of mine told me about it.

It was overgrown and full of old rubbish 

mouldy settees

car parts

and yet underneath was a secret garden.

This was back in 2004. I contacted the mill owners and drew out the plan of the land 

It took me about a year to clear the rubbish

I planted a Hawthorn Hedge and set about uncovering the lost borders

This was quite a challenge as it is a very big site

It is a special place and most people don’t even know it is there 🙂

These pics are from 2013

I have shared it with people over the years and now have a family of keen people

who are getting stuck in 

as once again it is overgrown

The Scouts are helping too

and I am so grateful that the Wheeler family

are wanting to take it into a whole new community project.

I will be sharing their adventures in my blog

via their blog

and hoping we can swap ideas and plants

in true allotment style

I am also connecting to other people around the globe doing exciting 

earth projects and so am intending to share their news too


We will be re~starting our poly tunnel next week so will be posting about our progress.

I have lots of seeds from last year and going to the seed swaps this year in my community 🙂

Finding lots of lovely local place to discover new treasures 🙂

Wishing you a lovely week of re~ connection to the land



and living the dream

Here is a video made on the allotment just before I moved to Glastonbury